Rushing Kappa Phi Epsilon

Kappa Phi Epsilon is dedicated to recruiting and developing passionate followers of Jesus at the University of Florida and Santa Fe College. We are looking for men who are serious about developing and succeeding in all aspects of life with a Christ-centered focus. We hold a Rush Week at the start of the Fall and Spring terms. At Rush, we will welcome you in and share with you about ourselves and the heart of our fraternity. We keep a relaxed atmosphere with catered food, music, and fellowship. We host our brothers, ladies from sister sororities, and potential members. It is the best opportunity to learn more about us and meet with our brothers. For information regarding dates and times for rush, check out our Instagram for the most up-to-date information!

What is Rush Week?

Rush week is the official week of fraternity recruitment at the University of Florida. During this week students who are interested in joining a fraternity (rushees) will have any opportunity to visit and learn more about every chapter at the University of Florida. Should the fraternity feel comfortable with the rushee they will be extended a bid, or an official invitation to the fraternity.

Important Info to Know

  • Kappa Phi Epsilon will host rush from 6pm-9pm Monday (1/27) through Thursday (1/30)

  • Attire is comfortable yet presentable. Formal dress is not needed.

  • Dinner is provided for free to all rushees.

  • To be eligible for a bid you must be a degree seeking student at the University of Florida or Santa Fe College


Recruitment Chairman

Anthony Soehnlein

(321) 417-1140

The Pledgeship Process

Since its inception, pledgeship has been a part of fraternities. When most think of pledging a fraternity, images of hazing and pointless, mindless tasks come to mind. At Kappa Phi Epsilon, however, pledgeship is not for the mistreatment of new members. We see pledgeship for spiritual and emotional growth that will lay the foundation for leadership and guide men to be hard-working and productive members of their community carrying forward the name of Jesus. We have a large brotherhood and alumni base that wants to see our pledges and brothers succeed while at UF and after graduation.